The TESS international mobility scheme is open to all doctoral students registered for a PhD at one of the TESS member laboratories. These projects must be considered as a scientific bonus for the students during their thesis, with the aim of strengthening the TESS programme’s international visibility and broadening partnerships with local research laboratories in Toulouse.

2025 Calendar
- Applications open: 02 December 2024
- Deadline for applications: 24 January 2025
- Publishing of results: The week of 17 February 2025
TESS Mobility application call
Aim: To help doctoral students travel abroad, thereby fostering international partnerships for the doctoral student and long-term collaborations for the TESS programme
Context: Overseen by the University of Toulouse, the Toulouse Graduate School of Earth and Space Science (TESS) aims to be an international reference, training the next generation of scientists committed to the monitoring and management of global change or to major international astrophysics projects. Major research activities of the TESS consortium focus on:
1) Exploring our place in the universe,
2) Monitoring and understanding the Earth,
3) Forecasting and predicting future behaviour,
4) Addressing challenges related to natural resources and the environment.
The SDU2E Doctoral School covers these subject areas and doctoral students play a crucial role in the programme. Moreover, TESS has a strong international component and the TESS Mobility grant seeks to facilitate the international mobility of students.
Maximum funding available: The amount allocated to each student is at the sole discretion of the selection committee and takes into account the location and duration of the trip.
Supplementary Call Selection criteria:
- Applicants must be registered for the 2024-2025 academic year at one of the TESS member laboratories
- Proposed mobility is to take place in 2025
- Expected minimum stay of 2 months. It is however possible to propose multiple shorter trips of at least one month each.
- Preference will be given to first- and second-year doctoral students
- The grant is to be used for travel and lodging only (attendance of meetings or conferences is excluded)
- In the case of a cotutelle, the grant cannot be used to travel to the partner university
Expected structure of the application: The application contains two parts as indicated below. Kindly note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Firstly, applicants are to complete the online application form
- Secondly, applicants are to submit a single pdf signed by the doctoral student, thesis supervisor and the director of their research laboratory here
The pdf should include:- The CV of the applicant
- A brief description of the thesis project (1 page)
- A detailed description of the impact of the TESS Mobility Grant on the doctoral project (1 page). Applicants should describe how their mobility is consistent with the objectives of TESS and argue how the grant will add value to their PhD project and the TESS programme.
- A letter of invitation from the proposed host laboratory/institution
- The amount and outline of funding requested. Please also stipulate if you have applied for co-funding elsewhere and whether or not the additional funding has been received.
The application should be written by the doctoral student and overseen by the thesis supervisor(s). While English is preferred, clarity of the project is essential and as such French applications will not be penalised.
Evaluation: The selection committee will pay particular attention to the following aspects:
- Structure and scientific objectives of the thesis project
- Added value expected as a result of TESS funding
- Justification of the funds requested
Payment: Students will be in direct contact with the financial department of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées for management of the allocated funds.
Communication: TESS reserves the right to carry out any promotional activities related to the grant and its beneficiaries. The beneficiaries agree to participate in any communication and promotional activities related to the grant at the request of the Graduate School.
Mobility report
All doctoral students who have benefitted from TESS funding for international mobility are required to submit a report in the two months following their return.
2024 “Mobility” Results
Of the 13 applications received, the TESS council approved funding for all 13 doctoral students with international mobility grants ranging from €1 000 to €6 000. Name Laboratory Thesis title Partner institution BERNATMaud LEGOS Mass losses of the polar ice sheets, Antarctica and Greenland. New constraints from stereoscopic imagery and laser altimetry Instituto Antártico Argentino, […]
2023 “Mobility” Results
Of the 14 applications received, the TESS council approved funding for 13 doctoral students with international mobility grants ranging from €2 000 to €6 500. Name Laboratory Thesis title Partner institution AL KHOURYIbrahim GET Semi-conceptual spatialized modeling of surface – underground water flows in a karst environment Karst Research lnstitute ZRC SAZU, Slovenia CARLIElisa LEGOS […]
2022 “Mobility” Results
Of the 8 applications received, the TESS council approved funding for 7 doctoral students with international mobility grants ranging from €2 000 to €4 000. Name Laboratory Thesis title Partner institution DAHANISouhail IRAP Energy conversion mechanisms in space plasmas University of Murcia, Spain HARDOUINLucas Ecologie fonctionnelle et environnement Polar socio-ecosystemic trajectory under anthropic and climatic […]
2021 “Mobility” Results
Of the 10 application received, the TESS council approved funding for 8 doctoral students with international mobility grants ranging from €1 000 to €4 000. Name Laboratory Thesis title Partner institution DE FLEURYMathilde GET Integrated monitoring of sahelian small water bodies using remote sensing: Past, present and future University of Copenhagen, Denmark HADDJERIAnge CNRM Simulation […]