Putting data in broader context

05 61 55 85 32

Stéphanie DUCHÊNE
05 61 33 26 40

interdisciplinarity • research-society interactions • reflexive approaches • collective intelligence • argumentation

Learning objectives

In a complex world where the role and consequences of scientific progress are questioned, this module seeks to expose students to a responsible science by studying the interactions at play between science, research and society in light of environmental concerns. More specifically, we aim to train students to:

  • Understand the interactions between socio-economic and scientific research spheres (e.g. argumentation and controversy, project building, participative sciences)
  • Adapt the level of data produced to suit the needs of a non-academic public
  • Understand the limits of the dissemination of knowledge and its assimilation by society.


The Core Courses attended in M1:

  • Core Course 1 Making Measurements
  • Core Course 2 Processing and Managing Data

Brief description of the course

Teaching methods will include presentations from socio-economic actors as well as junior and senior researchers sharing their experience of the link between academic research and society. During interactive workshops, students will also be challenged to question the relationship between research activities and societal concerns.

We will present and use tools such as mind mapping and controversy mapping in a project-based learning activity related to an environmental issue (e. energy, water resources).
