Parmi les 14 demandes reçues, le conseil de TESS a attribué un financement de 2 000 à 6 500 € à 13 doctorants pour une mobilité internationale.
Nom | Laboratoire | Titre de la thèse | Partenaire de mobilité |
AL KHOURY Ibrahim | GET | Semi-conceptual spatialized modeling of surface – underground water flows in a karst environment | Karst Research lnstitute ZRC SAZU, Slovenia |
CARLI Elisa | LEGOS | Ocean 2D eddy energy fluxes from small mesoscale processes with SWOT | SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography, USA |
GERIER Solène | ISAE-SUPAERO | Study and characterization of the Upper Atmosphere using Acoustic Waves by Digital Inversion of Stratospheric Balloon Flight Data | Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech, USA |
HENAFF -STERBIK Gaëlle | LEGOS | Interactions between Ocean-Wave-Atmosphere Coupling and their impacts on Western Boundary Currents Dynamics | University of California Los Angeles, USA |
JARRY Manon | IRAP | Role of coronal shock waves in the acceleration of solar energetic particles | University of Turku, Finland |
JOME Mathilde | LAERO | Use of long-term measurements for a better evaluation of surface-atmosphere interactions in climate and weather prediction models | University of Cadiz and Complutense University of Madrid, Spain |
LAMY Antoine | CEFREM | Aeolian process and sediment transport under offshore wind: Leucate beach-dune system | University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom |
LOCHE Matteo | IRAP | Interactions between solid and fluid envelopes during the juvenile stages of Mars deduced from the results of the MSL and Mars 2020 missions -confrontations of observational data and experimental approach | University of Arkansas, USA |
LUNEL Maxime | CNRM | Study of the influence of irrigation on surface-atmosphere coupling processes in semi-arid zones | University of the Balearic Islands, Spain |
PINNEPALLI Chandrika | CESBIO | Characterization of Directional Effects in Thermal Infrared Range | Space Application Center, India |
PORTERIE Mathilda | ISAE-ONERA | Monitoring and prediction of the Mediterranean forests state for the fire risk prevention: multi-sensor approach by remote sensing | Spanish National Research Counsil (CSIC), Spain |
REY HERRERA Roberto | LEGOS | Characterization of the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) of Panama and its impact | Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama |
TREILLOU Simon | LEGOS | Study of 3D surf zone coastal dynamics using a wave-resolving model (CROCO) | University of California Los Angeles, USA |